Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE

LCHE Service Opportunities

Below is a list of Service Opportunities for LCHE members. During registration members will be asked to pick their top 3 choices for service areas for the upcoming school year. ** Reminder ** Families participating in the Teen Group will need to choose a service from the LCHE Opportunities below in addition to the Teen Group Services

NOTE: Not all items listed are guaranteed to be offered each year. If we do not have a volunteer to to fulfill the service opportunity, it may not be offered for the group. Please prayerfully consider your talents and abilities to fulfill a service. Our group member's dedication to serve our children is what makes LCHE a blessing to us all.

4H Info Coordinator- Active in 4H. Communicates 4H opportunities for the group.

4H Leader or Co-Leader- Leads a 4H class. Training is provided as needed.

Bowling Coordinator- Plans and attends annual bowling outing for entire group. (Typically hold in April @ Pin Station, Hickory)

Chorus/Choral Leader- Leads choral group and secures location.

Chorus/Choral Assistant- Assists with chorus/choral group which would likely meet once weekly.

End of Year Party Coordinator- Reserves the park shelter for the End of the Year Party which is usually held the 3rd Thursday in May.  Contacts assistants.  Arranges for purchase of ice cream and any other supplies needed for party.

End of Year Party Assistants- Attend and assist with End of Year Party set up, clean up & serve ice cream.

Field Trip Team Coordinator- Organizes field trip team ensuring each member picks a month, plans the field trip, and sends the information to our website coordinator.

Field Trip Team- Plans field trips and communicates information regarding field trips to our website coordinator. Typically plan 1 or 2 field trips per school year.

Get Acquainted Party Coordinator- Reserves space for Get Acquainted Party in early September and contacts assistants with details of party.  Plans party games and crafts or contacts assistants for help in these areas.  Party usually lasts 2 hours and attendees bring a snack or drink. (This party is for children K-6th grade)

Get Acquainted Party Assistants- Attend and assist with the Get Acquainted Party in early September.  You may be asked to assist with games, crafts, or RSVPs. (This party is for children K-6th grade)

Graduation Coordinator- Plans graduation ceremony with senior parents and secures location. Planning starts at the beginning of the school year.

Green Room Play Coordinator- Communicates with Green Room in Newton to reserve tickets and collects & remits payments for play tickets. Submits play dates/events to group calendar.

Gymnastics Coordinator- Communicates information regarding gymnastics classes.

Learning Hike Coordinator - Organizes info and activiites for regularly scheduled hiking events for the group. (monthly or bi-monthly outings to explore nature)

Meal Ministry Coordinator- Coordinate meals for members who have a baby or lose an immediate family member. (Spouse, child)

Meal Ministry Assistant- May be asked to make a dish for a meal or deliver a meal.

Mom's Night Out Coordinator- Plan events for Mom's Night Out

Prom Committee- Assist with the Prom; organizing with Long Shoals Wesleyan, decorating, serving, and cleaning up. Typically held in late March.

Skating Coordinator- Plans and attend skating outing for group. (Skateland or Kate's)

Special Park Time Assistant- Gets popsicles and serves at Special Park time usually held at the end of August or the beginning of September. (Bring purchase receipt to the LCHE treasurer for reimbursement)

Tennis Coordinator- Coordinates with Tennis instructor and participants on dates/costs/info. Takes pictures for yearbook and communicates information about tennis to website coordinator.  Must have child who participates in this program.

Valentine Party Coordinator- Reserve space and plan Valentine Party including refreshments, activities, and crafts.  Contact assistants. (This party is for children K-6th grade)

Valentine Party Assistants- Attend and assist with Valentine Party. (This party is for children K-6th grade)

Yearbook Coordinator- Work with website to organize yearbook creation and purchase. Communicate yearbook deadlines and info to group. (Includes working with our Teen Yearbook Team that would meet weekly for about 6 weeks to complete the yearbook layout)

Yearbook Assistant- Assist with planning of yearbook. (Includes working with our Teen Yearbook Team that would meet weekly for about 6 weeks to complete the yearbook layout)

YMCA Gym & Swim Coordinator- Has a child that participates in Gym/Swim program and communicates information with the group.

5th Grade Symphony Concert Coordinator- Accompanies 5th graders to the free symphony that is offered to Lincoln County students at the Citizens Center.  Must be parent of a 5th grader.  

** Please take photos to submit to the yearbook during each event **